Earlier this week, Robin was taking part in the weekly Mayor’s Burlington covid task force and together they make sure everyone is as safe as possible. Really enjoyed hearing from the Chamber of Commerce and Burlington Foundation and especially from Jo Brant Hospital (Eric Vandewall) who all spoke about keeping each other safe.

The conversation focused mostly on Mental Health – encouraging people to watch out for each other, to drop a note to a neighbour to see how they’re doing. Take care of yourself and try reaching out. If you’re feeling the mental stress yourself, you can imagine that we’re all in it together right now. You can see the toll that stress is taking on people in other countries and right here in Burlington there are many who suffer silently.

The Burlington Food Bank is asking everyone to help out our neighbours during this lockdown. Many of us are a bit stressed about going out right
now and many need a little help with their monthly budget. Please consider printing off this helpful note and placing in neighbours mailboxes.