Last week we posted an Urban Farm Update with Adria Cehovin and this week, Haig Seferian (Seferian Design Group and also a neighbour) stepped up to become a sponsor. Seferian Design Group has been a long-time supporter of the Burlington Food Bank, helping us out at Christmas as well as participation in our Ride to Provide events. Haig stopped by today to offer the Urban Farm project some sponsorship $ and to learn all about it from Adria. There are still plenty of opportunities to help them out – they are looking for more sponsors – companies or people that would be able to cover the costs of supplies such as water. It costs about $100 to refill their tanks with water. There is a large green space on the area and they are hoping for 3 picnic tables for the volunteers to be able to rest. They are also looking for more volunteers if you are able to help out. Once the harvesting begins, the goal is to support many food security agencies in town, including the Burlington Food Bank.

The Urban Farm is here in downtown Burlington (Brant St. and Ghent Avenue). There are seedlings now growing in half of the 148 huge straw bales about 7ft x 3ft each. They are now growing peppers, broccoli, kale, tomatoes and various other vegetables and herbs. The project is progressing and all the start-up costs were managed by the Molinaro Group. The goal is to produce fresh vegetables and herbs and to donate them to food charities in Burlington. They also plan to grow a pollinator garden to complete the cycle. Supporting the pollinators will help the tomato and cucumber plants get started. Adria ( ) will post updates along the way on their facebook group at

If you are in need or know of someone who could use our help, PLEASE have them email us at or call 905-637-2273 to make arrangements to have food dropped at their door or make arrangements to pick it up through our curb-side pickup option. If you are a resident in Burlington, we are all here to help. Don’t struggle – give us a call