Sean started volunteering with us in 2017 after he retired and he’s been volunteering continuously even through the Pandemic which was not an easy thing to do – took courage to face the challenge. Sean looks after sorting non-perishables in the warehouse and checks the expiry dates on every item that is donated. One recent donation Sean spotted was from February 1995! Obviously that donation ended up in our Hall of Shame.

Sean’s two daughters live in the Sheldon Creek area of Burlington and they have started community food drives in their neighbourhood around our holidays starting last Halloween, they enjoyed them so much and had such great community participation that they held a community party to support the Food Bank in the difficult months of the summer. The first few drives brought in 1,000 lbs of donations and the most recent one brought in 700 lbs so the events are well appreciated and well attended. He’s very proud of his daughters and their families for giving back to the community in such an amazing way.

Covid Elvis even came out to join them! Sean’s wife, Noreen is also a great volunteer for the Food Bank although she has taken time off during the pandemic. She instead, volunteered to make masks for our clients, which were well received and appreciated. We’re lucky to have them both with us.

sean hollingsworth