Robin is with Lisa Kearns, our City of Burlington Ward 2 Councillor. She notes that often times there is a misconception that Ward 2 is very affluent, whereas in fact there is quite a mix of people with varied economic means. Thankfully there are so many community members that are passionate about helping out. We have a strong food security network, including the Burlington Food Bank on Plains Road E. Over on Guelph Line we have Open Doors Burlington who have a meal program and normally operate a food bank (under renovations). On Caroline Street we have Wellington Square with their meal bag program. Their Friday night social dinner was one of the most moving events during non-Covid times Lisa had attended as a Councillor. Since last year’s pandemic began, they successfully transitioned into a meal bag takeaway program with lots of great chefs and volunteers pitching in to reach out to their community.

There are lots of events that happen in Ward 2 that are building community awareness around giving. People show the compassionate care that is needed for everyone to feel part of the quality of life we have here in Burlington. Lisa is just as passionate about food security as she is about representing us all as best she can in Council. If you feel there’s something you might need, feel free to reach out to her at