As part of Hunger Action Month and advocacy, Robin met with Todd Smith, Minister of Social Services along with several other food banks in Ontario. Mr. Smith seems open to discussions with our group about some of the advocacy work we want to put forward such as fair wages, helping families that are stuck on social support and also housing. We try to communicate with the Provincial government on behalf of our clients and others that struggle with low income and poverty.

Over 120 food banks, Indigenous groups and community partners in every province and territory across Canada have begun receiving fun, hands-on activity and resource kits to distribute to families with youth in Grades 4 – 6 in low socio-economic communities. This is part of the Horizon Project – Let’s Talk Science, Food Banks Canada and over 180 organizations provide fun STEM and literacy resources for Canadian youth in low socio-economic communities. 75,000 kits will be sent out as a way to engage them in meaningful and fun learning opportunities that do not require technology or internet access; of these, more than 8,000 kits will be given to Indigenous youth. That’s over 130,000kg of unplugged learning resources being shipped across Canada. Let’s Talk Science and Food Banks Canada worked together on a resource for students so they can learn about science – Purolator delivered the student packages today and we will be delivering to families with school aged children.

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