Building on yesterday’s talk with Food4Kids, we want you to know that we also look after school aged kids with families whether they are in school or still studying virtually. We partnered up with Halton Food for Thought who are now adding to our snack program, adding apples, cheese and granola bars. If you are a resident of Burlington and asking for support from us then part of that help includes 2 weeks of snacks.
Congratulations to all the YWCA Women of Distinction that are up for awards tonight ( – Good Luck to Lisa Lunski (coordinator for the Friday Night Community at Wellington Square ), Christina Mulder (Director of Programs and Partnerships for Open Doors at St. Christopher’s) and Colleen Mulholland (CEO of the Burlington Community Foundation). We are very proud of our continued partnership with you and the great work that you are doing here in Burlington!
Even though vaccines are beginning to rollout, we want to remind everyone to continue to be diligent with safety protocols and look out for one another.