Sadly, we’re at the end of the growing season and our garden has done very well this season. We’d like to thank everyone involved with our community garden and let them know how much we appreciated having the fresh produce all summer long. Thanks to Lisa Dubik and her team of volunteers, our own Burlington Food Bank garden surpassed last year’s harvest output by a country mile. The Grow a Row gardeners from Burlington Together and the Grow to Give initiative by Burlington Green surprised us all this year for the first time and brought in an abundance of absolutely amazing FRESH produce.
This was one BRIGHT, HELPFUL initiative in the midst of the chaotic covid crisis. Thank you for the healthy nutritious food for the families we serve. We would also like to thank Open Doors at St Christopher’s Church once again for their support during the early stages of the crisis in providing the means to purchase more fresh produce than we were previously.
Of course we are now on our own again this Fall, and we are using funds from your donations to purchase from locally sourced wholesalers on a weekly basis allowing us to continue sharing the same generous amount of healthy food to all our families as they have shown appreciation for the increased produce, along with all of the other fresh, frozen and non-perishable items we offer.