Just a reminder that next week is Tim Hortons #SmileCookie week, a delicious way to support the food bank and help families here in Burlington. Tim Hortons owners have been supporting the Burlington Food Bank for many years and this event is a major fundraiser raising $69,249 during the 2020 campaign. The funds will be used to help with the snack program for school aged children in Burlington along with purchasing healthy nutritious food for individuals and families that need some help throughout the year.

Please get yours starting Monday, September 13 “Everyone at the Burlington Food Bank is thankful for the incredible community support we receive through this great initiative and it allows us to serve our neighbours, thank you so much to all of the Burlington Tim Hortons owners and their customers!”

Order Form

#SmileCookie Campaign Facts

  • In 2020, the Smile Cookie campaign raised a record $10.56 million across Canada
  • For over 25 years, Tim Hortons restaurant owners and guests have been spreading smiles. The Smile Cookie campaign began in 1996 to help raise funds for the Hamilton Children’s Hospital in Ontario
  • Nationally, Tim Hortons restaurant owners support over 550 local charities, hospitals and community programs through the Smile Cookie campaign.