The final week of Hunger Action Month focuses on Donations. We wanted to thank Maria Thornton, owner of Flour Child Bakery in Burlington for helping out the Food Bank every day with great bread and pastries, Flour Child has been a long-time donor to the Food Bank. Maria runs a Fresh Daily Bakery and wanted to reduce waste as much as possible. On some days they have left-over product and let the Food Bank know in advance so that our truck can pop by early the next morning for any donations. The product goes out immediately to families so that they are receiving next to fresh baked goods and our clients love it.
Maria herself has been donating to Food Banks since she was nine years old – with that life experience she was a vital part of some of the earlier years lending some guidance and energy with the Gift of Giving Back, a great organization that teaches our community’s youth what it means to volunteer and to donate and support the community. She is also the Burlington Food Bank’s Board Chair so we thank her as well for volunteering her leadership.