Food Donations

Almost all non-perishable food comes from generous donors like you!

  • Organize your own food drive! Visit our Organize a Community Event or Food Drive page where you can find all the information you need as well as register your drive to receive collection bins or boxes and to schedule a pick-up. We ask all food drives to register in advance with us so that we can help you and properly recognize your efforts.
  • Collect food while hosting a party or special event. Increasingly many families are asking their guests to bring a food item rather than a host gift. See our Events Page to learn about the growing number of birthday, anniversary, retirement and corporate parties that focus on helping those in need in our community. We can also post your thoughtful contribution on our website.
  • Create a CANstruction Competition. Construct giant sized structures from canned food. After the competition the canned food is donated to us. CANstruction competitions are great team building exercises at your workplace or school as a fun way to get kids involved in giving back! 
  • Check our most needed items, HERE: Next time at your grocery store, pick up a few extra items and drop them off at our warehouse, in grocery stores, or any Burlington Fire Hall.
  • How to Get Us Your Food Donation: If you have non-perishable food to donate, you can drop it off at  the Burlington Food Bank during business hours, at all Burlington fire stations and grocery stores with collection bins.  If your food drive collects large quantities of food and you wish for us to pick it up, please contact us by email at or by phone at 905-637-2273 during business hours
food donations

While most of our donations are non-perishable food items, Burlington Food Bank also supplies milk, eggs, meat and fresh fruits and vegetables to clients. Food is sourced through corporate and individual donations, sponsorships, and through our collaborative membership with the FeedOntario, and Food Banks Canada

Our biggest donors are the people who donate their time – our volunteers.