The Burlington Cares Food Drive will Match Your Donation!

As a little incentive to our weekly food drives, from now until December 31st, the Florian Realty Team will match* $1 for every pound of food donated. Our goal is to get over 1000 pounds of food. Together we can do it! 

Join the Florian Realty Team as they hold their weekly Burlington Cares Friday Food Drive. This incredible effort, on behalf of the Burlington Food Bank, will cover all of Burlington and Waterdown as they coordinate pickups right from your porch. So, if you have items you can donate, simply email your address to to be added to that week’s list of donors. Pick ups begin at 10am and all contributions will go towards helping our neighbours in need.

*matched only for donations made to the Burlington Cares Food Drive until 11:59PM on December 31st, 2022. This initiative is part of the Florian Realty Team on behalf of the Burlington Food Bank.