We’d like to thank everyone that has been making donations to us. We also ask that you check Best Before dates before you donate. A couple recent items we received were very interesting – sometimes you can tell just by looking at the container but we check all best before dates on the products coming in our door, as well as the packaging for any damage that may put the contents at risk for consumption. This can of evaporated milk shows a best before of 2000 which of course is completely unusable for anyone. Also today we received a water bottle full of a white substance. No one was able to recognize or even guess what is in this bottle. Items like these just end up in landfill and doesn’t do any good for the environment. Robin also recalls seeing a lemon pie filling with a best before date of 1984. Rest assured no one of these are passed along – and we end up paying for the weight in garbage. Empty them out, recycle the cardboard or do whatever possible to keep these items from our donations and into proper recycling to help out our community.
Maybe our friends at Burlington Green (https://www.burlingtongreen.org/) could offer advice when you find such items. Thank you again though Burlington for all you do for us!